The Picture of a Godly Man
Bro. Joe Fordham
The man that God created in the beginning was formed in the likeness of his being. We were made in the very image of God. Yet even in the perfect surroundings of the Garden of Eden, the intent of what was created quickly morphed into something completely different. With the change of now knowing as God did the "Knowledge of Good and Evil" the very nature of man changes, because it was knowledge mixed with the flesh that became corrupted. Man's fall from the Garden of Eden, and the banishment from , has proved a continuous quest to return to God that was only accomplished through one man, a perfect man of God in Christ himself, who subjected his will in every way to please the father. Since creation, there have only been two visions for man, to follow the vision, path and tract to the Lord, or to follow the aspirations of the world and be praised by men. The flesh and the spirit never agree, nor can they cohabitat peaceably.
This study is intended to showcase three things, one, what is the picture of a Godly man, how should he think, behave, believe and live. The second, what is it that the world or the flesh venerates in man, how does he think, behave, believe and live. Thirdly, I want to show the destinies for both, and that they are so divergent a path, that one can never be confused with the other, nor can you commingle attributes of one vision and fit it inside another.
In our present age, not only have we completely missed the mark in what God is looking for in the men in his household of faith, we have borrowed or graphed in the worldly concepts such as: humanism, capitalism, political correctness and new age thinking and put it above God's law. Not only have we placed these worldly ideologies above God's vision for man, we have negated his vision for whom men should strive aspire then relegate His vision to obscurity. By raising and mentoring young men into worldly men we can do irreparable damage to the next generation of spiritual men, by only masking them as such.