
Registration should be completed and sent to the registrar promptly to assist class and accommodation planning. There is financial assistance available for those in need. Please contact the Registrar.

The rates quoted are being based on double or higher occupancy and are in Canadian dollars for Canadian residents and in U.S. dollars for U.S. residents. Please note the rates for the school continue to come down for children and young people in keeping with our Master's request, "Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven" (Matt 19:14). As best we can, the committee wishes to make the Canadian Bible School your covert from the storm and a summer place to come, be refreshed, and renew your physical and spiritual strength. Our ability to sustain this rate of subsidy is the result of the generosity of our donors.

Online Registration

There are errors in your form submission, please see below for details.

Registration Type

Register as: - OR -

No registration is required if you plan to attend for a talk or class but are not staying for any meals


use the green + button to add more rows

AGE: If under 19, please specify age on July 25, 2025
GRADE: Grade completed as of July 25, 2025

Address Information

Note: email addresses, phone and street addresses entered will be shared with all attendees.

Anyone under 19 and attending the School without parents is required to fill out the Guardianship and Authorization for Emergency Treatment. Any registration that requires a guardian will only be accepted when this form is completed and received by the registrar, prior to the commencement of the school.

Please tell us how you might be able to help:


Rates for 2025










Commuters: per meal and room night use

Payment for Canadian residents: cash, cheque payable to Canadian Christadelphian Bible School or Interac e-Transfer:

Payment for US residents: cash or cheque payable to Canadian Christadelphian Bible School. Interac e-Transfer is not available

Donations: Cheque payable to Canadian Christadelphian Bible School — mailed to: Phil Walker - 51 Stanhope Crescent, London, ON, N6C 3B1 or via e-Transfer for Canadians only, see above




  • Bro. Kris Taggart
  • 70 Delavan Drive
  • Cambridge, ON, N1S 4S3
  • Email