Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Bro. Bill Yake
On November 22, 1859, On The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life by Charles Darwin went on sale. Unfortunately, not long afterwards, many people unwittingly sold their faith and birthright in buying into the Darwinian theory of evolution. Ever since, Darwinists and neo-Darwinists have been in a heated war of words with those holding the biblical account of divine creation. In the intervening time, the faith of many has been shaken. Many people have been caught on the sidelines, not knowing what to make of the arguments, let alone being aware of all the evidence pro and con for either model. Ironically, just as the rhetoric has heated up and the dogma of some scientists has become even more hardened, new evidence has come to the fore that now strengthens the evidence for intelligent design (ID) and the infinite knowledge and power of a majestic Creator more than ever before. This five day class will examine the following subjects in an effort to strengthen the faith of the attendees to stand firm and solidly on the 'Rock of Ages' and the biblical doctrine of creation, and see the cracks in the foundations of neo-Darwinism and why this theory has been shaken to its core:
- Information, Entropy, and the Origin of Life: The Case Against the Accidental Universe and Self-Organization
- Divine Design, DNA, the Biotic Message and Intelligence: The Divine Signature
- Dice or Deity?. The Concept of Chance in the Biochemical World.
- How Blind is the Watchmaker? The Teleolological Argument Revisited
- Human Body: 'We Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made'
- Darwin's Black Box: The Argument of Irreductible Complexity
- The 'Just-So' Universe and the Anthropic Principle: Cosmic Coincidence or Created Order?
- Intelligent Design: Is It a Show Stopper for Darwin's Principles?
- Is There Intelligent Life on Earth? Implications and Imperatives of the Evidence
- Honouring The Divine Architect and Creator: Standing Firm of the Rock of Ages