Exodus Generation
Bro. Joseph Fordham
Throughout scripture a reverberating warning can be heard - warning us of the rebellious generation that wandered in the Wilderness and how the redeemed ultimately became irredeemable. How is this possible, how can a 'saved' become 'unsaved'? There are six generations in Scripture specifically condemned and above them all we as believers are most strictly admonished to hear from the ghosts of the bodies strewn in the wilderness as examples to avoid. In their rebellions lie hidden strategic treasures to help us on our road to salvation.
We will closely examine the generation that left the Egypt or the World, traversed through the Red Sea and were baptized, were saved from slavery, saved from the plagues, saved from the Egyptian Army and then proceeded to test God ten times in the wilderness and loose everything. We will learn the most valuable lessons of how to avoid their doom, their eternal sentence, and the transformation from redeemed to unredeemed.
We will look at sharp comparisons between the generation of Noah, the Exodus, Babylonian Exile, Christ's time, and our time and see what crucial lessons we can draw for our lives today.