Canadian Christadelphian Bible School 2007

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God ... When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.
— Colossians 3:1,4

Group Photos

Morning Exhortations

  • Lesson From the Epistles: "The Power of Forgiveness"
    Bro. James Horton
  • Put To Death (Mortify) Whatever Belongs To Your Earthly Nature... ( Col 3:12 )
    Bro. Todd Lindeblad
  • Therefore, As God's Chosen People, Holy and Dearly Loved, Clothe Yourselves... ( Col 3:12 )
    Bro. Lucas Stanton
  • Forgive as the Lord Forgave You! ( Col 3:13 )
    Bro. Greg Hoogkamp
  • Do Not Lie To Each Other Since You Have Taken Off the Old Self, With its Practices and Put on the New... Renewed In Knowledge and the Image of the Creator ( Col 3:9-10 )
    Bro. Greg Bostian
  • And Over All These Virtues Put On Love, Which Binds Them Altogether in Perfect Unity. ( Col 3:14 )
    Bro. Jonathan Farrar

Evening Lectures

  • In a Strange Land ( Dan. 1 )
    Bro. Bob Chisholm
  • Prophecy From Beneath The Earth's Surface
    Bro. Ralph Diliberto & Bro. Luke Ribaudo
  • A Taste of Courage
    Bro. Robert Harrison
  • Miracles in the History of Modern Israel
    Bro. Richard Farrar
  • True Worshipper
    Bro. David Love

Intermediate Classes

Isaac and Ishmael: 4,000 Years of History

Bro. Mike MacDonald

History was my least favorite class in school and it wasn't until I could see the importance of history through God's word and plan that I came to appreciate it and desire to study it deeper. A knowledge of history is vital if one wishes to understand God's plan for His creation, God's prophecies concerning His creation, and especially where we as believers stand today in relation to all these things. What I would like to do through 5 days of classes is use history as it pertains to Scripture to discuss Isaac, born "of the freewoman by promise," and Ishmael, "born after the flesh." Included in the class will be discussions on the literal events of their lives in Genesis 15-22, the history of their descendants in the Middle East, events in the land of Israel over the last 100+ years, God's prophecies of the recent past and near future, and the allegory by Paul in Galatians 4. I will use handouts for visual aids and expect much class participation.

The Whole Duty of Man

Bro. Ralph DiLiberto

We are told in Eccl. 12 verse 13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. Fear God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man. This week God willing we will be discussing our responsibilities as men. Young men must start preparing now for what lies ahead in their lives. We are told in 1 Cor. 16 verse 13. Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. Young men are at a cross roads in their lives. Either they will take responsibility as men in their homes, Ecclesias or whatever positions they find themselves in. Or succumb to a feminized, politically correct, secular progressive society. We will discuss ways and means to accomplish what has been quote in Eccl. The reason we are addressing this subject is because the world is bearing down hard on men who wish to fulfill the commission God has prescribed.

The Body of Christ

Bro. Kris Taggart

Jesus Christ was the son of God & the son of man. By sharing our same sin nature, Christ was tempted in every way we are tempted. Why was he the only man to walk the face of this earth without committing personal sin? By taking a detailed look at the physical human body (which both we & Christ share in common), we will come to an understanding of how Christ was able to control the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes & pride of life (1John 2:16). By understanding the strengths & weaknesses of the human body, we will learn how to apply certain tactics into our lives to strengthen our walk.

A Young Woman's Guide to the Best Job of an 'Eternal' Lifetime

Sis. Teddi Metzer

The class will focus on hearing about the job, educational requirements, specific skills needed, probationary period and best of all, the perks of the job. Key words in the class will be: Reverence, Respect, Service, Trust and Love. This will be a discussion class. I would like for the young women to feel safe asking any questions they might have and since I am also an RN as well as a Sister in Christ, I think I may be able to answer some questions they may have that a non-medical person could not.

Adult Classes

The New Passover: Christ's Last Supper and the Breaking of Bread

Bro. Ken Wood

We remember Christ's death each first day. The presiding brother gives remarks to focus and prepare our minds prior to our partaking. Prayers are offered and we partake of the bread and the cup. It is the most important thing we do each week. It is important then that we thoroughly understand the Scriptural background of this institution and its meaning. This class will be an expositional study of the Last Supper and our Breaking of Bread service. Some of the questions that we will address are:

  1. What took place at Christ's last meal with his disciples?
  2. Did he partake of the Passover and what is the feast's relationship to the Last Supper and our Memorial Service?
  3. How was the Breaking of Bread celebrated in the 1st century and how/why should we remember his death today in our service? What was/is its spiritual significance?
  4. What are other sects' interpretation of this service and why are they wrong?

Prophetic Time Periods: From the Judgment Until the Establishment of the Kingdom

Bro. Art Sankey

The importance of establishing a clear vision and understanding of prophetic events is well established in scripture, as demonstrated by the fact that it was for "the joy set before him," that Christ was able to overcome the great difficulties that he faced during his mortality. It therefore follows that if the believer is to overcome the trials and tribulations of this current age, it is necessary to establish a clear and concise understanding of future events. The result is an excitement, anxious expectation, and strength that is gained as the believer witnesses the hand of God at work as He controls events that will result in the establishment of His kingdom. For these reasons, our subject matter will encompass the time period ranging from Judgment until the establishment of the kingdom, including the such prophetic events as the Marriage Supper, the Gogian Invasion, the March of the Rainbowed Angel, the Gospel Message Preached to the World, the eradication of the False Prophet System, and the Establishment of the Kingdom.

Joshua: Of Faith and Character

Bro. Stuart Moore

The aim is to better understand what it was about Joshua's character that made him God's choice to succeed Moses, and how God worked with him to develop his spiritual stature, so that 'Israel served the LORD all the days of Joshua' (Joshua. 24:31). It should be noted; this is not an historical study of the Book of Joshua, but rather, a study of the man and his relationship with God.

God or Mammon - The Life of Solomon

Bro. Trent Johnson

The Life of Solomon contains many lessons for the believer. Because of his devotion to God, he became the ruler of the most glorious kingdom in the history of Israel. At the end of his life he had maybe the most dramatic fall from faith recorded in scriptures. This class is a discussion of the man Solomon and the kingdom of great wealth that he built. We will also discuss Jesus' comments on this kingdom and what we can learn from Solomon's life.

Jerusalem in Doctrine and Prophecy

Bro. James Farrar

Jerusalem is the principal city of the Scriptures, cited as the place where Melchizedek was king in Genesis 14 and the centrepiece of the final vision of glory with which the book of Revelation closes. A purpose of this class is to examine the history of Jerusalem, with particular emphasis on the twentieth century, in relation to the prophecies of Scripture, and to consider its future role as the capital city of the Kingdom of God on earth from which Christ will rule over the nations. Freed from domination by the Muslim power of the Ottoman Turks by Britain in 1917, Jerusalem was fiercely contested at the time Israel declared independence, leading to its division in 1948. After the reunification of the City by Israel in 1967, Jerusalem's status as the eternal, undivided capital of Israel has not been recognized by a single nation (apart from Israel itself). Jerusalem is destined to play a role in events at the coming of Christ, when he comes to the City of which He will be the great king, and will undergo a dramatic change in its physical geography. In this class, we will study the history of Jerusalem and prophecies concerning the City as well as considering both literal and symbolic references to Jerusalem in Scripture. Revealed as the City where the Almighty has chosen to place His name, the class will also explore Jerusalem's association with the resurrection of the dead and the glorification of the saints.


Bro. Casey King

This will be a consideration of the concepts of justification by grace/faith and justification by works with reference their principal advocates and with particular reference to the rituals of our faith. What is the point(s) of these rituals and do they or can they help us to understand these concepts?

  1. Paul vs. James
  2. The Letter to the Romans vs. the Letter to the Twelve Tribes
  3. Justification by Grace vs. Justification by Works
  4. Baptism vs. the Memorial Service