Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus
Bro. Bill Tucker
goal of this class is to explore the life of our Lord Jesus Christ, with
particular emphasis on his interactions with others. Each of us attempts to
develop and manifest the Fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22- 25) in our lives, but
sometimes, perhaps even often, we wonder precisely how to accomplish that in
our challenging daily lives. Certainly, the first and great commandment must be
our primary concern, and our obedience to that commandment will regulate our
prayer, our private study, our meditation, etc. Nevertheless, much of the rest
of our life is spent interacting with others and those interactions are often
far from ideal, despite our "best efforts." Does the fault always lie with
others (and not us)? Probably not.
Our focus will be to examine the interactions of Christ with a wide variety of
people, from family members and disciples, to Pharisees, publicans, rulers,
sinners, the bereaved, the deranged, the curious, the disinterested etc. and
see what we can learn from the Master. Some lessons are obvious, some are subtle,
some are debatable and some are just worthy of more thought, but in every case,
looking at the Master's Life should bring us closer to him.